Healing's been on my mind for weeks, right? I spent all of August considering how it was manifesting around me and trying to capture some of that in image.
Right this second, I'm thinking maybe a better word for healing would be balance. Pain is a part of our human experience. We can recuperate and recover from an injury--say, a physical one--only to be laid up by emotional injury or trauma as soon as we think we're well. To be healed often means that we are pain or disease free, but our bodies are in a constant state of wear, even breakdown, even when were at our best.
I had the great gift of the opportunity to share space with a group of people who are actively engaging their own healing recently. It was a special day. I learned how much internal pressure we put on ourselves to be well, how deeply we feel our physical illness, and how inspired and motivated we are to care for ourselves and each other. It was pretty amazing.
I wonder if that's what happens every time we step onto our mat. What if we viewed our day-to-day choices wig as much intention and import? What if we considered how each of our actions contributes to our individual and collective healing, or to our illness?